New Beginnings

New Beginnings

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Random Picture.....Random Post

It's almost a writer's dream.  Ha!  Did I just make reference to myself as a writer?  Well, I shouldn't.  I should say that it's a journalist's dream to have such an evening.  I consider myself more of a journalist, than a writer.  Not because it was my minor in college, but rather I document things that take place or even ponder on actual events.  A writer has a deep imagination that can take others into story lines that are beyond their imagination.  I can only write about the here and now.

Okay, back to the dreamy part.  It's the perfect time to write.  It's 12:27 a.m., I just had a very warm bath, I'm tucked under my favorite blanket (with sherpa on one side), and the house is silent.  I am left only to my thoughts, a keyboard and the ability to get things written down. 

Sofie asked me the other day, when she was sick, why I am "texting".  What she meant is why am I on this familiar page with a dashboard and editing options, known as ""  Well, I told her that I like to write things down for her and her sisters.  I am a firm believer that a gift that will outlast this 62.5 inch frame are my words.  It will be a lasting gift to leave them words from their mom that the Lord laid on her heart, or reflections from the day's events, or even random jottings like this one.

There's so much that I could write about this midnight.  I could go on about the new friend Brie met, named Olivia, and how refreshing it was to Brie to meet another like-minded girl.  I could talk about how we visited a church today and it felt like home.  The other one we were visiting was great, and the people were nice, but something just wasn't locking into place for us.  I might even write about the wonderful evening we had as a family and how we parted ways to our room with a reading from "God's Grace for the Day", and how it reminded us that the moment we took the Lord as our Savior, we were bestowed millions of resources that others do not have.  Then, I could ponder on the Nevils family and how I am amazed at Steve's ability to keep living out each day.  One part of him is already in eternity (Katy), one part of him is in a hospital room for the past 55 days, and one part of him is staying with family.  Nothing is together, and yet, he knows God is sovereign. 

Perhaps, I will remember the talk the Lord and I had this morning while I was getting ready for church.  He reminded me, as He has been for the past five weeks, to enjoy the moment because work will come all too soon.  Why can't I rest in that and really BREATHE in the moments instead of anticipating employment?  Well, I asked Him to forgive me of that, and now I'm ready this week to REST in His presence!!!

And, maybe I'll just let a little random writing take place, and begin to close out this post.  I hear Brie stirring, which she does often (light sleeper), and Andres' phone just buzzed (a new e-mail).  Maybe it's time to just rest and prepare this body for a bright and early morning.  The girls' feet will hit the floor quicker than I'd like and the daily routines will begin.  For now, thank you Jesus for this very day!  Thank you for Brianne, Katherine, and Sofia.  Thank you for two biological girls that I experienced from pregnancy on, and one that we pursued fervently.  AND, thank you for Andres' heart.  The kind of heart that says "yes" to the hard stuff and "no" when it would be easier to say "yes"

With love,


P.S.  As I was booting up the computer, I found this picture on my desktop.  It was from 2  years ago.  It was Western Day at Tate Springs Christian School and Sofia Margaret was the prettiest cowgirl I ever did see.  You should've seen her perform!  I thought it would be fun to just post this random picture to this random post. 

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