New Beginnings

New Beginnings

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Which way. . .

Since I don't have followers, other than my mom and one other friend, I feel a bit safe in writing some of my thoughts, and journey steps. We haven't shared this with anyone, and will soon enough, but we are oh so close to finding out whether or not we are heading out to Arizona for a new lifetime. A new lifetime of memories, friends, no family, new schools, and so much more. Not sure if we feel sad or adventurous. Not sure if we feel called or just wanting to. Not sure if we don't want to or just feel scared. All I do know is we are keeping our cheek right next to His to hear the next step. Right now, the step is to not step. It's to rest! And wait to see if we get a "second interview".

In the Bible study, "When Godly People Do UnGodly Things", we are talking about seductions. As most readers assume, seduction can be sexual in nature, but we're talking about our sin seductions. What grips us out of the arms of our Heavenly Father and leaves us to mind games, obsessions, and wandering around aimlessly wasting time? My seduction is undoubtedly the desire to stay deep rooted in my physical place. I want the girls to grow up in the same home, same town, going to the same school, worshipping at the same church and seeing the same faces. My Spirit has been desiring something different, yearning to reach out beyond our borders, but my physical self gets sick just thinking about it.

Andres and I are at a crossroads of sorts. He can go this way, and stay "deep rooted", or he can go that way and "uproot". Which is the way? What does the Lord want? I will not know for He will give Andres that direction, and then He will grant me the feelings of "affirmation" of the "confirmation". I love that, and sometimes I don't. I wish the Lord was a texter, so I could just text Him questions, or even times for us to meet up at the coffee shop for an intervention. I love Him so much, and it will never compare to the love He has for me.

So, for now, we wait. We wait for at least a week and either way, we will hear a "yes" or a "no" via e-mail. Prayin' for His answer!! And whatever He leads us to, I will be ever so thankful to His guidance.

With much love, and adoration for our Lord............

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Arizona, Friends, and Papa

Where in the world do I begin? Should I begin at the time Dad lost his first born daughter, Nichole Renee, and Dad's promise to follow? Should I begin at March 13, 1977 when I was born to fulfill that promise to Dad? Should I begin at the birth of Katie and her fulfillment of the promise too? Should I start with the evening we were walking our little Katie around the small neighborhood of Fountains of Spring Lake, and ran into the Andersons? Should the story begin with the sweet, sweet times of Bible study that we had just three doors down, and how that began a friendship that will last to the day of our return? And then, continue for eternity. Do I begin in the beginning of Genesis 1:1, when it said that God created the Heavens and the Earth? Surely that included the Grand Canyon, right?

Arizona 2011, a trip Andres and I labeled "life changing". What does that mean in it's entirety? I'm not sure! We're not sure! We're waiting to find out.

We spent 10 wonderful days as a family, making new memories! Not just the picture perfect type of vacation, although I'm tempted to say it was, but the real kind of memories! The kind of memories that take your breath away, teach you a new lesson about life, a visual of God's greatness, splash moments, and just simple moments! The perfect, not-so-perfect, vacation!

We stayed with our very dear friends, Mark and Joey. We love them, as I'm sure they would say they love us too. A special kind of friendship that is glued with God's love right in the middle. Not because we're just alike, look alike, act alike, like the same things, or believe in the same things, but simply because God said it so. He said it so even before He moved them to the southeast side of Mansfield, just at the tip of Joe Pool Lake. We were destined to be life journey families. Our children have been prayed over by Mark and Joey and blessed by them on many of occasion, and we have prayed over the sweet children they have brought into this world. Our heart skips a beat when we see any one of them, as if we've been family all along.

Ten days, and a lot of laughter. Ten days, and some pain. Ten days of enjoying the daily routines of the Andersons (like getting a haircut at Annie's place, or swimming at Momma Davis' house). Ten days, and a whole new landscape. Ten days of the extraordinary and simple. Ten unforgettable days!

We ate breakfast under a grapefruit grove, attended a church service on Saturday night, cooked mass meals, put together puzzles, dressed our girls alike, gave Cade space to be an only guy, giggled late at night while the kids were sleeping, watched a silly movie, walked to the neighborhood park, had dinner in the outdoor mall, attended a baseball game, brushed down a horse, swam with friends, talked about the little things, and pondered the big things, watched a backyard transform, borrowed children for outings, and so, so much more.

Then, a Grand Canyon trip that sucked the breath out of Andres Alonso Perez!!! It was grander than grand, and a massive creation that made us righteously fearful of His works. Who are we, but a small portion of His creation, yet He loves us above all!!??!! Not one portion of His creation, including the Grand Canyon which leaves on breathless, compares to His delight in you and me. That floors me, because if you've never seen the Grand Canyon, it's not just a "hole" in the ground! It's Holy Ground! It's Holy because it obeyed it's Creator and moved right where He wanted it to move. It cracked, formed, and dropped in all the right places. Not one portion of the Grand Canyon was created out of His will!!!!!! Even the Elk that grazed so closely to our car, have been obedient to Him. They move when He says move, they live where He wants them to live, and are the best Elk they can be for their Lord!!! Right up to their velvet antlers!

As if that was not enough, eight days into our trip the door bell rang. Who's there? It's couldn't be...............Papa lives down the street in IS Papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Enough to bring all three girls to smiles!

Dad stopped by on day eight. He could hardly stand being in the same town and not seeing the girls. It was like the grand finale of an already beautiful firework display. Dad took us around that following day, and it was nothing short of a miraculous, blessing of an experience. Who cares if those words don't go together in the same sentence!!!! There are no "correct" or "great" words to describe what it felt like to finally be at the place of bringing a lifetime of memories together with the present day. All the old pain and hurt, brought to the place of fulfillment and joy.

We drove through mountains, skipped rocks, laughed as "Papa Sunshine" toured us around, rock climbed, stood still, stood tall, sat down, and a few lap sits as well (Papa and Katie). We heard stories, told stories, and made new stories.

There's not enough "posting" space to describe my heart, thoughts or emotions of this past vacation. I can only pray that I will have the slightest of details in mind as I retail of our experience. Lord, please help me remember my childlike awe of the Mingus Mountain, snow-capped mountains in Flagstaff, the "dream land" that we didn't want to leave as we made our way to the canyon, and so much more!

How deep and wide is your love for me......................for us!!!!!!

I love you Lord!