Still waiting...........one week to date since our first interview.
A few things along the way to remind us that He is apart of this process, whether the end result is a "yes" or "no".
Devotional for yesterday, after the night that Andres woke up with the burning question, "Can we really have a "life" in Arizona?" The kind of life where relationships are in abound, where our church home is a place of refuge and strength, where a phone call is never ceasing. That kind of life. Well, I thought, "I'm not sure," I answer. This was the first time we felt this type of question since the "revelation" on the way home from our friend's lake house.
So, early in the morning, before Andres grabbed his lunch to head out the door to see what awaits him, I read my devotional. I would have to look up the scripture later, but for now a good word to leave with would be nice.
"Whenever you start to feel anxious, remind yourself that your security rests in Me alone, and I am totally trustworthy. You will never be in control of your life circumstances, but you can relax and trust in My control. Instead of striving for a predictable, safe lifestyle, seek to know Me in greater depth. I long to make your life a glorious adventure, but you MUST stop clinging to old ways."
That started our day off right, and sliced right through the fear that we were having. What were we fearing? Afterall, aren't adventures of life supposed to be exciting and climatic? Depends......if I was going to hike down the Grand Canyon, and had waited for it all my life, it would be an adventure packed full of emotions. Excitement to finally be at "this moment", nervous of what the physical cost was going to be, and a rush of "it's finally here", which undoubtedly would lead to tears for me. Well, that's what we feel right now, and as each day passes, and we're not sure if it is a "yes" or "no", it delays those emotions for yet another day. At the same time, I can hear the Lord telling me to "STOP asking me if we're there yet!? Like mere children in the backseat of a planned out trip, you keep asking me if "we're there yet", and I have so much planned for you when we arrive. ENJOY the views outside your window, eat your snack, drink your coffee, and breathe deeply. We'll be there shortly."
And then, shortly after Andres left, I grabbed my Bible to look up the scripture to the devotional, and it was in Isaiah 43:18-19:
"Do not remember the past events, pay no attention to things of old. LOOK, I am about to do something NEW; even now it is coming. Do you not see it, Andres and Elizabeth? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert."
I have read this one before, in fact, it was underlined in a heavy, black ink in my Bible, but the "rivers in the desert part". That meant more to me now then ever before. I called Andres to share the scripture, and he shared that the Lord had taken him back to a part in our trip where we were hugged between two desert mountains, and at the bottom of the these two mountains were a HUGE over growth of vegetation. Papa Sunshine (Papa gave himself an Indian name so he could be an official guide) said that the rivers ran through these two mountains during the monsoon seasons, and it offered enough water to bring life.
So, at the time the Lord was bringing me the words from His Word, He was giving Andres a visual of life in the desert.
So, to answer my beloved's question, "Can we make a life in Arizona?", the answer is "YeS!" We can because He said that He will provide "rivers in the desert", and water brings life. So, as long as we continue to cling to Him and reach out to those around us when/if we move there, then life will abound no matter where we reside.
It's 4:47 p.m. and it's two hours behind in Phoenix, Arizona. I can't help but click "refresh" in my "in-box", but I'm going to try to sit back in my seat, listen to the music He is playing, roll down my window for fresh air, and just enjoy the journey He has us on. I don't want to miss the Texas summer heat, the flowers that are blooming inspite of their overworked roots, the girls watching Strawberry Shortcake, and the freedom to blog my thoughts. Sweet Jesus, how I do love You!!!!
Found my way here by way of Ann's place. Thanks so much for sharing your journey -- I'm on a similar one myself. The scripture you shared was uplifting for me on a day like today -- when I'm waiting and wondering what will come next.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing. Be blessed, new friend.