There it was, a buzzing cell phone in my hand with the words "unavailable number". I hurried to the garage, where Andres was heating up the grill, and said, "Here...someone' calling. It might be...." And as soon as that, we found out that Andres made it to round two of interviews. He was being looked at, even closer, for the possible relocation to Arizona. Next step? A possible flight out for a face to face, but we will have to wait for another week or so for that.
Once again, my devotional for the day was so perfect. He doesn't want me to miss the moments.....squander away the day with foreshadowing thoughts. My Spirit reads the words of those pages as if it's a fresh pour of water on life's petals, but my mind gets muddied with the downpour of insecurity. What type of insecurity? The type that says, "How do we really know that this is Him?" even though He's made His mark in ways that I cannot count, just for thoughts like these. Confusion is not from Him, peace is. Confusion is what I feel when I give way to my thinking, but peace is when I think of what He may be doing!
Lord, I pray that I will close the lid to this laptop, take a deep sigh of breath, and feel squeezed as you send me off to bed. it's 11:20 p.m., and there is much to do tomorrow. Three flowers in my garden to tend to, and they all end with "ie". There's broccoli to chop for my Paula Dean broccoli salad, and fruit to scoop. There's prayer to walked through this home before ladies arrive at 7 p.m. with hearts full of emotions. You need me rested and able to enjoy what you have in store for our lives tomorrow. Good night fear, anxious thoughts!! I'm wrapping myself in a blanket of TRUST and REST!!! I love you Lord!
Once again, my devotional for the day was so perfect. He doesn't want me to miss the moments.....squander away the day with foreshadowing thoughts. My Spirit reads the words of those pages as if it's a fresh pour of water on life's petals, but my mind gets muddied with the downpour of insecurity. What type of insecurity? The type that says, "How do we really know that this is Him?" even though He's made His mark in ways that I cannot count, just for thoughts like these. Confusion is not from Him, peace is. Confusion is what I feel when I give way to my thinking, but peace is when I think of what He may be doing!
Lord, I pray that I will close the lid to this laptop, take a deep sigh of breath, and feel squeezed as you send me off to bed. it's 11:20 p.m., and there is much to do tomorrow. Three flowers in my garden to tend to, and they all end with "ie". There's broccoli to chop for my Paula Dean broccoli salad, and fruit to scoop. There's prayer to walked through this home before ladies arrive at 7 p.m. with hearts full of emotions. You need me rested and able to enjoy what you have in store for our lives tomorrow. Good night fear, anxious thoughts!! I'm wrapping myself in a blanket of TRUST and REST!!! I love you Lord!
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