Five always seems like a monumental birthday! Not sure why, but it just seems like a milestone....a marker of sorts. The "T" seems to drop from 5. It's no longer 2T, 3T and 4T, rather it's 5. The "toddler" part is removed, and a "little girl" is added.
No longer bite size pieces, rather counting. Trading in oversized board books for smaller print books, with real themes. Sentences are running together for conversations. Conversations that are engaging and thought provoking, which lead to big questions.

Sofia Margaret is turning FIVE! It seems to run together for me. Not sure when this happened, nor do I know how to slow it down. Can I stop to take a deep breath and soak in the moments longer before FIVE turns into FIFTEEN? Will I allow the Holy Spirit to remind me in the midst of school schedules, homework, cooking, cleaning, and just being present for three girls that I must remain in Him and abide in Him at this very hour to full live the life He's intended for me? The life He's fully intended for our Sofia Margaret? Lord, please help me do so.

Father, I pray a very special blessing over Sofie. It's 5:05 a.m. and she's resting soundly in her bed, as I scroll through photos and print my heart on this very page. She will not understand a mom's full love for her daughter until she becomes a mom one day, and on that day, grant her the same kind of love I feel for her this very moment. I love her so very much, and I am forever grateful to the young girl You've created her to be. Through this very life, I have learned to pray harder, listen more, become more aware, open my eyes to those around me, recognize baby carriers from a distance, nap harder, enjoy my home more, and so much more. Lord, may you keep her close to Your heart, and call her name out. When You call, may she hear your voice, and respond. Bless her endlessly and give her a deep confidence in You!! Teach us to breathe in the next five years deeply and slowly! Thank you for Sofia ("love of wisdom") Margaret ("pearl")!!

In Him...
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