In the Bible study, "When Godly People Do UnGodly Things", we are talking about seductions. As most readers assume, seduction can be sexual in nature, but we're talking about our sin seductions. What grips us out of the arms of our Heavenly Father and leaves us to mind games, obsessions, and wandering around aimlessly wasting time? My seduction is undoubtedly the desire to stay deep rooted in my physical place. I want the girls to grow up in the same home, same town, going to the same school, worshipping at the same church and seeing the same faces. My Spirit has been desiring something different, yearning to reach out beyond our borders, but my physical self gets sick just thinking about it.
Andres and I are at a crossroads of sorts. He can go this way, and stay "deep rooted", or he can go that way and "uproot". Which is the way? What does the Lord want? I will not know for He will give Andres that direction, and then He will grant me the feelings of "affirmation" of the "confirmation". I love that, and sometimes I don't. I wish the Lord was a texter, so I could just text Him questions, or even times for us to meet up at the coffee shop for an intervention. I love Him so much, and it will never compare to the love He has for me.
So, for now, we wait. We wait for at least a week and either way, we will hear a "yes" or a "no" via e-mail. Prayin' for His answer!! And whatever He leads us to, I will be ever so thankful to His guidance.
With much love, and adoration for our Lord............
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