Who should I be a Titus Two To? First, just out of curiosity, can you say that fast three times: titus two to who? Phew! I can barely type it twice, let alone, say it quickly.
I'm starting my year off by memorizing a scripture, every two weeks. I'm going along with the Siesta Sisters Scripture Team from Living Proof Ministries. Beth Moore does it every year, but this year they have this really cute flip chart thing (doesn't even begin to describe it), and you write down your scripture every two weeks. I'm choosing "balance, self-control, etc." for my theme for this month and I will memorize two scriptures this month that relate to such a topic.

So, for the next two weeks, here's my scripture (this is a personalized writing of Titus 2:3-5):
I need to be reverent in my behavior, not gossipy or drunk with the things of this world, so that my girls and other young women will learn to love their husbands and their children, to be sensible, pure, good homemakers and submissive to the heads of their homes, so that God's word will be evident in their lives and not be slandered.
What a charge to me as a mom, a teacher of young people, and as a friend to younger women in my life!!! What a challenge.....
When I look at Brie, Katie, and Sofie, I get overwhelmed at the great responsibility of raising THREE GIRLS FOR HIM! I also know that when I look at them, that it's not me that molds the clay, but their Potter and I get to watch the lump turn into a masterpiece right before our eyes. Thank you Lord......Creator of the Heavens, Earth, and my family for shaping us!
As I close for today, I can't help but think of sweet Ms. Shirley from our church. She's a tall, beautiful black lady that wore a large hat to church about every Sunday. She was the door greeter and she would declare every Sunday when she saw the girls running to the door, "My, my here come some pretty girls. How are you girls this morning? You look so pretty." They would wrap their arms around her leg and she would hand each one of us a church bulletin. Often, Mrs. Shirley and I would talk about meeting up for coffee (her house), but the time never came for coffee nor her Christmas Poinsettia that we intended to take to her. She went home to be with the Lord yesterday morning. She had a massive stroke a few weeks ago (suddenly), and yesterday Andres, the girls and I arrived to her rehab center with a gift all wrapped up so pretty. The ladies at the front desk told us that she had gone to the hospital (with a "not so good look" on their face), and I knew then that she had passed on. We went to the hospital just in case, and walked away without a gift in hand (gave it to her family), and without a Ms. Shirley to greet us on Sundays.
We do praise Him for her wholeness!!! She is NOT the kind of lady to not be able to speak, walk, or visit with others. She would NOT have wanted her life to end with months, or even years without an ability to spread the "good news" or even share old stories of how she used to pick cotton on the very land where our church was built. So, for that I praise Him for loving her so much to take her home. He literally gave her all of 2010 to be with us and to visit with loved ones, and on the very last morning of 2010, He whisked her away into His arms. Isn't that profound? To realize that He has our very minute, day, month, year to the day we go home. He knows our very last breath! He knows what we must accomplish and once we do, it's time to be complete. AMAZING! MIRACULOUS! ONLY SOMETHING GOD COULD DO!
So, it's off to a date night with Andres! Yeah! Dinner, a drive through the backroads of Ovilla/Midlothian/Cedar Hill, and CONVERSATION!!!!!!! We love our twelve, six, and four year-old, but we need our time too. :)
Happy New Year's Day!!!! Let a New Year begin and let the pages that have been written for us, live out to the fullest!!!