New Beginnings

New Beginnings

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Georgia . . . Hummingbird

This morning, I had to force myself to leave the ED Week Online catalog of Webinar opportunities for teachers.  I miss the classroom terribly, and I know that before I can unpack our first few boxes, I will be gearing up for a new school year and will return to the familiar sounds of packed hallways, moving desks and chatter.  I have surrendered my principalship, and I am trusting Him with the master's program He's led me through the past year.  I know He will have that leadership position down the road, but not for now.

The Lord, without a doubt, is moving us to Georgia.  This particular state is packed with many emotions, boundaries, relationships, backgrounds, and history.  In fact, this state is so emotional that several of my siblings cannot stand to hear, for one moment, that any of us are returning.  This summer marks exactly twenty years since we crossed the Georgia/Alabama state line and when we left we thought we'd never return.  We left behind a broken family through divorce, personal bad choices, friendships gone wrong, relationships left hurting, and a complete mess of problems.  Many times throughout my life, I wanted to avoid the peach state and not make reference to it other than reminisce about the culture that I did love.  I love front porches, big trees that sound like water when they sway, lightening bugs, green grass for cartwheels, the hospitality others show when you stop by, fashion, sweet tea everywhere you go, and beautiful colors that appear in spring/fall.  What I didn't love was the insecurity I carried, the need for attention I displayed, and all that goes with these two attributes.

That's the way our Lord does His thing!  He returns us to our pain to redeem us, rewrite the pages, erase that which we confess, and set us on new ground.  I left a broken teen, and return twenty years later as a confident woman in Christ.  I left not knowing who I was, and I am returning fully defined.  Nothing remained the same, and it's all new.  Not even a consignment piece, but a beautifully hemmed garment of grace, forgiveness, redemption and mercy.  Thank you Lord for redefining Elizabeth Anne DeJager into Your girl!!  Extreme makeover at it's best!

Hummingbird in Silver City, NM (Bear Mountain Lodge)
It feels so great to be here once more.  Here at the computer, cup-of-coffee, Gungor playing in the background, the sun shining through, and the windows open.  It refreshes everything in me to be in this very moment.  Did I mention the hum of the arriving hummingbirds?  Yes, it's a beautiful phenomena here in Silver City, New Mexico.  Every year, the hummingbirds make their pilgrimage here and flood our town with the sounds of late spring/early summer.  Humans flock from everywhere to grab a close look at the array of colors, and species.  Yes, Lord, You are an amazing architect of all sorts!

Good Wednesday to each of us and let's make it count!

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