New Beginnings

New Beginnings

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Day 2 of 21

Day 2 of 21:

Hmmm......a bit hard to understand, and yet a little too on target.  A few exerts from, Day 2 challenge.

rest is one of only three ambitions that God explicitly calls out in the Bible. The other two are preaching the gospel and pleasing God. (Rom15:20, 2Cor5:9)
It’s easier to be functional rather than soft and tender.
We wouldn’t want to let anyone down.
Maybe we’re afraid if we took time out for quiet rest, soothing moments, we might realize how much we’ve put our hearts to the side.

The prompting question(s) for today are:
How do like to enjoy a quiet moment?  
With a time schedule that is not dictated.  Knowing that I have a time schedule on the quiet moments, create a feeling of anxiousness.  In an odd kind of way, I end up counting down the quiet moment time, when I know it will end at a specific time.  If I am free to "take my time", then I can relax and receive what the Lord may have for me, and it usually doesn't take that long.  Freedom to rest!
What encourages or discourages you from enjoying a quiet moment?
Encouraged quiet moments come with a freedom to enjoy the moment however I may feel at the time.  Sometimes it is through a quiet drive through God's creation, other times it is sitting quietly in a coffee shop.  
Discouraging quiet moments are always filled with expectations of what I need/should do during the quiet moment and if there is a definite time schedule to make it come to an end. 

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