You are beginning a new thing in my life right now. So many things going on all around me, and I
don’t feel like I can even stop to fully inhale and exhale. To breathe in deeply, feels like I will
inhale the true pain and confusion around me, as to almost accept the
circumstances. So, I breathe shallow,
and yet so hopeful that You will see me through this one more time. But, I realize that without a full inhale,
can never come the exhale. The exhale
brings about another breath, which allows for life. Father, help me inhale all that is around
me. The tears from disappointment, the
pounding of my heart of anxiousness, and even disappointments. Help me not to be afraid to breathe deeply,
so that I may exhale You and receive life.
Help me not suffocate my spirit, into thinking that I can merely exist
until You call me home. Merely existing
is not what you have designed me for.
You have provided this shell and soul with so many life giving
attributes, and to merely walk around until You stop my inhale/exhale motion,
is death in motion.
The size of a mustard seed |
Father, I yet to
understand all that You have been doing over the past two years, and honestly,
I have not fully laid down my anxious heart as to what lies ahead, but I do
have a portion of hope. And Jesus said, "If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will tell this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. (Matthew 17:20 HCSB) Here
is the size of a mustard seed that will produce a thunderous movement in
creation, if I only believe. So, Lord
with at least this amount of faith, I come to You. Expecting. Hoping. Desiring for so much more
than I could even pray for.