The eve of the Royal Wedding, and I can hardly sleep. With so much excitement in the air, how can one not take it all in? An average girl, from an average town........chosen. Chosen to wed the Prince of Whales. Hope for any common girl, that she too could be chosen to sit at the right hand of her fair Prince. The finest of details being tended to, and all the last minute lessons on grace.
Can't you help but wonder how we'll feel the day we meet our King? In the Bible, He talks about preparing a wedding feast, and it will be the first time He is to eat and drink wine since the Last Supper. What types of details is our Lord preparing for us? If He gives the wisdom of etiquette, class, and style to human beings, how much more would He know how to plan a feast for His bridegroom. Now, it is beyond my ability to picture all that He means by a "wedding feast and bridegroom", as it relates to the men in my life. Must be a strange thought for them to ponder on a Lord waiting for His bridegroom, which includes both them and us girls, but either way, we can all imagine our own wedding times 100. Breathtaking, shimmering, sounds of crystal, the finest of linens, silver, and china and most of all.....................Jesus!
So, I will enjoy all the commentaries, pictures, videos, and the books on this soon to be wed couple as it will not be a visual of what I do not have, rather a glimpse of what is to come!!!!